Welcome to Mitcham Primary School

Mitcham Primary is a warm and welcoming learning community which offers an outstanding level of learning for each and every child.

We believe that student wellbeing complements academic success and we incorporate our values of respect, resilience and responsibility into everyday school life. Our school offers a caring environment that enables children to grow and develop as individuals and as a part of a supportive, engaging community.

Our learning priorities have a strong emphasis on Literacy, Numeracy and STEM engagement and our teachers are committed to providing quality learning experiences that engage their students deeply whilst providing optimal intellectual stretch. The diversity of our school community is celebrated through our broad-ranging programmes, whilst each student is provided with the opportunity to actively and positively engage with the world around them.

I look forward to sharing our school with you during one of our Principal’s Tours. To secure your place on our next tour, or to clarify any questions you may have, please contact our school office on on +61 8 8271 2227.
Scott Greenshields, Principal


At Mitcham Primary School we believe students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating in and out of school and for participating effectively in society.

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Our aim at Mitcham Primary School is for all students to receive high quality teaching in mathematics. We support the development of rich mathematical knowledge and understanding, a positive mindset and the ability to apply mathematical skills confidently in their daily lives.

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At Mitcham Primary School, we have been developing a culture of problem solving and innovation over the past few years. Students are highly engaged as they utilise skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

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