Our aim at Mitcham Primary School is for all students to receive high-quality teaching in mathematics. We support the development of rich mathematical knowledge and understanding, a positive mindset, and the ability to apply mathematical skills confidently in their daily lives.
Our teachers aim to ensure that students are confident and creative in mathematics and are able to investigate, represent, and interpret familiar and unfamiliar mathematical situations.
Our approach is often problem-based, where students are challenged to think numerically and apply their mathematical understandings to real-life problems. Teachers observe the skills and knowledge students bring to tasks and then determine what strategies need to be explicitly taught to be successful. Posing and problem-solving tasks lead to the development and understanding of mathematical concepts. Students become fluent with processes and are able to reason mathematically.
Students are encouraged to recognise connections between mathematics and other learning areas such as science, music, and technology.
Our teachers have been actively working on Maths mindsets in the classroom to ensure our students are equipped with the virtues required to be successful mathematicians. The mindsets which have been of particular interest for our teachers and students are the following:
- * Everyone can learn maths to a high level
- * Believe in yourself; it changes what you can do
- * Maths is about creativity and making sense
- * Mistakes and challenges are the best time for your brain
- * Maths is about learning, not performing
- * Questions & discussions deepen your mathematical understanding
- * Visualise and make connections to strengthen your brain
- * Depth is more important than speed!
Using these mindsets as part of regular discussion and reflection in maths has seen a positive shift in engagement, confidence, and problem-solving for our learners.