Hello from your EALD team!

नमस्ते! Buna ziua! வணக்கம்! Ahoj! Sveiki! Hallo! Kamusta! Γειά σου! Witam! 

Did you know that there are 7139 languages spoken across the world? Here at Mitcham, we are proud of our diversity and celebrate 35 languages and dialects other than Standard Australian English that are spoken at home! Isn’t that amazing?

In Term 2, the English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) team collated two work samples from each learner of EALD and had the opportunity to analyse the fantastic literacy techniques they are using in their writing. With this data, we have restructured our timetable and considered how we can further support and extend our multilingual students. Our EALD teachers Lauren, Danni, Mrs Taeuber and Miss Searle are continuing to work collaboratively with classroom teachers to provide in-class support to learners of EALD across all year levels. In addition, we are implementing structured intervention sessions that prioritise our EALD learners and are streamlined to complement their classroom learning. These small group sessions engage students in rich dialogue and are targeted toward the development grammatical features. We are excited that these sessions also give the children an opportunity to collaborate and build relationships with peers from other classes too.

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If you would like any further information about our EALD programme, please contact your child’s classroom teacher who can direct your query to your child’s allocated EALD specialist.

Lauren Ritchie, Danni Aoukar, Katelyn Searle and Linda Taeuber - EALD Teachers