Monarto Zoo Excursion

During Weeks 6 and 7 of this term, the Year 1 classes went on a very exciting excursion to the Monarto Safari Park. Here are some of the children’s highlights from T3 with Ms. Day.

“I really liked seeing the lions chase each other when we were on the bus. The female lion did a big skid in the mud.” - Lachlan

“John taught us about how to find animal tracks in the bush on our walk with him.” - Astral

“I liked how the meerkat sat on top of his rock to look at us. They are show offs.“ – Lucy

“Seeing the baby giraffe that was only 4 days old was cool.” - Chloe

“I liked seeing the baby lions fighting and chasing each other.” - Logan

“I loved seeing how the rock wallaby can camouflage on rocks.” - Kristin

“I liked going on the bus and through the tunnels. It took a long time to get there.” - Ben H

“Seeing the chimpanzees swinging on their ropes in the enclosure. They have a lot of room to play.” - Mason

After the excursion the children used their knowledge from their observations to create their own animal habitat which they proudly displayed on Open Night.

Here are some of our pieces of work.
