Science News - Citizen Science

Citizen Science opportunity this weekend!

The 'Great Southern BioBlitz', or 'GSB' for short, is an international period of intense biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within several designated areas across the Southern Hemisphere in Spring. The #GSB23 will be held from the 24th until the 27th of November, incorporating different communities, areas and regions across the Southern Hemisphere. See

It's a chance to contribute to some real international Citizen Science. Consider observing in your local park, backyard or even the school grounds! All you need to do is install and use the iNaturalist App to upload photos or sounds of living things in your location. Birds, plants, insects, lizards, fungi - anything living that you find. Focus on wild rather than cultivated examples. There's also some suggested challenges that you could try. Tip - you can change privacy settings between precise and approximate location for each observation, so you can upload the general area rather than your precise location. It would be great to see lots of observations near the school this year! Find something new with our #GSB23 Challenges